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Qualities inventory


The gap between our dreams and achievements is often related to our thoughts. We know that positive thinking is more likely to drive success. But the progress mindest is encouraging more facts and less dreams. 

The current busy life is largely based on external evaluations that are relatively standardized. Academic qualifications, rewards, salaries are often the measure of our capabilities. In a world based on external evaluations, we tend to under-evaluate our own assessments. In addition, we tend to self-evaluate ourselves pretty hard quite often. 

Self confidence is improved when we take back the power of who we are. We should start by listing our strengths.

New Place New Life: Services

Making an inventory

1- Expand your vocabulary of qualities. This is a basic list to get you started. You can download this one and do a quick online search to find other ones relevant to you.

2- Read each one one by one. Identify the ones that you recognize in yourself by highlighting them.

Please note: If you have a negative thought about a missing quality, let it flow and keep going. Listing your assets is the objective, not pointing out what is missing.

Family - Group variation

1 - Print a list for each person and write their name at the top.

2 - Rotate the list among the members of the group. 

3 - Each person will highlight relevant qualities to the other's list. 

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Let them resonate

Either alone or in a group, it is a good idea to read the final list out loud. Take enough time to read each quality and resonate internally. Feel it.

Publishing your personal qualities inventory is the last step. You can either handwrite or print it. Make sure you leave space for future additions.

Place the list in a visible place. Remind yourself of your qualities at least once per week by reading it out loud.

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