Feel your emotions and fill yourself up with them.
I am passionate about emotional management. Being a coach and educator, I believe that proper emotional management is crucial for growth. Take a look at my 3 steps method for emotional growth. Each link includes practical activities for adults and kids.
1- Enrich your emotions vocabulary: Each of us frequently asks eachother how we are (or how we are doing). The most common response is "fine" or "all good". Many people asking do not wish to know our feelings. Many people responding may not even be aware of their emotions or how they are called. A necessary step for emotional growth is identifying emotions.
2- Make a qualities inventory: Self-esteem is based on our self-worth. All too often, we allow others to judge and define us. The key to gaining confidence is to take back that power.
3- When you feel uneasy, sooth yourself: Feelings and emotions that drain energy are normal. We all experience them. Often, we are invited to ignore them or numb ourselves to them. To grow, we should live the experience and learn from it. During difficult times, pampering yourself can boost your energy levels.